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Knowledge Cafe

The Knowledge Cafe series blends a social opportunity for parents with an insightful presentation by an Elmwood subject-matter expert.  Each session will be targeted to a specific "age and stage" and will begin right after drop-off– 8:15 am in the Learning Commons for Middle and Senior School parents and 8:30 am in the Junior School Lunchroom for Junior School Parents. 

Each session will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Upcoming Session


A Healthier Approach to University Counselling

Thursday, February 20, 8:10 am, Learning Commons

  • Ms. Alyson Bartlett, Director of University Counselling

Join Director of University Counselling, Ms. Bartlett for an introduction to the university counselling and the resources available to parents and a discussion of how parents can best support their children through the application and admission process– and help them discover the post-secondary path that aligns with their interests, values and learning style.

While mainly targeted to parents of students in Senior School, Middle School parents are more than welcome.


Parent/Guardian's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name

Future Sessions

Knowledge Café Sessions will generally happen monthly this year and upcoming topics are in development.

If you have an idea for a session, please send it to Elmwood Communications.


Past Sessions




First page of the PDF file: JuniorSchool_KnowledgeCafe-October