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Junior School Parent Contacts

School Address: 261 Buena Vista Road, Ottawa, ON, K1M 0V9
Main Phone Number: Reception, (613) 749-6761

Attendance Matters
Reporting absences, late arrivals, or early pickups.
Call Junior School (Sarah Hay) at (613) 749-2558 or email 

Academic Concerns 
Discussing a child’s progress, struggles, or special needs.

Concerns can be directed to:

A complete Faculty Directory, searchable by name or department, is available on MyBackpack.

Behavioural Issues 
Addressing behavioural concerns or incidents at school.

Concerns or incidents can be address to any of the following:

A complete Faculty Directory, searchable by name or department, is available on MyBackpack.

Health or Medical Updates 
Informing the school of allergies, illnesses, or medication needs.
For information or updates related to allergies, illness, medication, mental health or medical conditions, contact:
Extracurricular Activities
Inquiring about sports, clubs, or events.

For co-curricular activities:

For sports, contact:

School Events Information
Inquiring about the timing and details of upcoming events.

The school calendar can be found here.

Details of events and registration information can be found on the Parent Portal homepage under “Events.”

Specific questions can be emailed to

School Policies
Seeking clarification on school rules or procedures.
Please refer to the Student Handbook.
Transportation Issues 
Discussing bus routes or changes in pick-up/drop-off plans.
Contact Elise Aylen at (613) 744-7783 

Social Concerns
Addressing bullying, peer relationships, or social development.

Concerns should be addressed to any of the below:

A complete Faculty Directory, searchable by name or department, is available on MyBackpack.

Updated: September 25, 2024