Hosting & Sponsorship Opportunities
Hosting & Sponsorship Opportunities
Hosting a Table is a perfect way for individuals or businesses to support the Elmwood Gala, and also invite friends, business associates, colleagues or family members for a fabulous night out.
- 1 table of 14 in the exclusive Diamond Zone;
- Tier 2 recognition (name / logo) on all Gala promotional materials and website
- Dedicated social media post on Elmwood channels (Instagram and Facebook);
- Message/advertisement in the Gala program (full page);
- Opportunity to include a video message on the Gala website and social media channels.
- 1 table of 12 in the Sapphire Zone;
- Tier 3 recognition (name /logo) on Gala promotional materials and website;
- Joint social media post with other sponsors on Elmwood channels (Instagram and Facebook,);
- Message/advertisement in the Gala program (½ page);
- Opportunity to include a testimonial of support on the Gala website and social media channels
- 1 table of 8 in the Ruby Zone;
- Tier 5 recognition (name) on Gala promotional materials, website and auction site;
- Joint social media post with other sponsors on Elmwood channels (Instagram and Facebook);
- Opportunity to include a testimonial of support on the Gala website.
All Table Hosting packages include additional year-round recognition on Elmwood materials, including the Pactum Serva Donor Wall, online donor listings and any other published recognition lists. In addition, tax receipts will be issued for all sponsorships for the maximum allowable amount, unless logo recognition is requested.
Category Sponsorships are a way for individuals or businesses to support the Elmwood Gala and access benefits which elevate individual and brand recognition.
- 1 table of 8 in the Sapphire Zone;
- Tier 4 recognition (name / logo) on all Gala promotional materials and website
- Dedicated social media post on Elmwood channels (Instagram and Facebook);
- Message / advertisement of sponsor’s own design in the Gala program (½ page)
- Opportunity to include a video message on the Gala website;
- Announcement from the stage by the live band of your support;
- Opportunity to work with the Gala team to develop other benefits to recognize your support.
- 1 table of 8 in the Sapphire Zone;
- Tier 4 recognition (name / logo) on all Gala promotional materials and website;
- Special recognition on the Gala programme and printed signage;
- Dedicated social media post on Elmwood channels (Instagram and Facebook);
- Message / advertisement of sponsor’s own design in the Gala program (½ page)
- Opportunity to include a video message on the Gala website;
- Opportunity to work with the Gala team to develop other benefits to recognize your support.
All Table Hosting packages include additional year-round recognition on Elmwood materials, including the Pactum Serva Donor Wall, online donor listings and any other published recognition lists. In addition, tax receipts will be issued for all sponsorships for the maximum allowable amount, unless logo recognition is requested.
* Required